How Do You Create a Leadership Development Plan?

In the January 10th blog, I wrote, “as leaders if we do not have a plan to develop ourselves, then we resemble the steel ball inside a pinball machine. Bouncing off the bumpers and making a lot of noise but showing little progress for the effort.”

How do you create a leadership development plan that is not overwhelming and one that works for you?

In my book The Furnace of Leadership Development, How to Mold Integrity and Character in Today’s World, I encouraged my readers to begin by asking the following questions:

  • What characteristics and qualities do I need to improve upon to be a good leader?
  • How can I better influence those I lead and impact?
  • What type of leadership training do I need and where can I get it?
  • What leadership books should I read?
  • What are other credible leadership resources I can use?
  • What credible leaders can I associate with to help me develop as a leader?
  • Who will provide honest and constructive feedback to help me as a leader?

Your answers provide the outline for your plan, and they lay the foundation for your goals. As a certified coach with the John Maxwell Leadership Team, and a long-time member of the fire service, I bring experience and training to your table helping you develop and hone the necessary skills to be a successful fire officer. Visit my website, take command of your career development, and join Tailboard Talks: Tailboard Talks – Fire Officer Leadership Academy

Fire Officer Leadership Academy
