Are You Practicing the Skill of Listening?

The title of last week’s blog was Are You Listening? Listening is an active skill, and the process goes far beyond staring at the other person when they are speaking. In his book, Situational Awareness for Emergency Response, Dr. Richard B. Gasaway writes, “The act of listening requires a substantial amount of cognitive horsepower.” He…

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Are You Listening to Me?

Recently, I had the opportunity to teach a class to a group of singles in our church and the topic was anger. I asked, “What makes you angry?” Some of the answers included things, other drivers, little/older siblings, and not listening. Not listening Why does this happen and what prevents people from listening to someone…

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Do You Appreciate Your Employees?

In my July 3rd blog post, I mentioned bosses who fail to recognize demanding work and employee achievements. In this post, I am addressing that topic in more detail. On June 3rd of this year, I had the opportunity to attend a Common Pursuit event hosted by Kingdom Way Ministries in Loveland, Colorado. The speaker…

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Danger! Hazardous and Toxic!

Last week’s blog asked if you would enter a toxic atmosphere unprotected. I compared a choking cloud of chlorine gas to a noxious work environment and the impact on mental and physical health. Required signs The photo shows a restricted area at an industrial waste site warning people of the dangers behind the fence. Laws…

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Would You Enter a Toxic Atmosphere Unprotected?

The two firefighters in the picture above are participating in a drill simulating a leak in a one-ton chlorine container. We used white theatrical smoke for the exercise, but a real chlorine leak produces a yellowish green, pungent, choking cloud. Choking cloud of chlorine Chlorine is immediately dangerous to life and health at 10 parts…

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Who Are YOU Mentoring?

Last week’s blog was the conclusion of a seven-part series titled Dual Footprints, Becoming a World Class Mentor. In that series, I covered six areas of commitment: If you missed any of the blogs, I encourage you to go back and read them. Look at the following questions and take the time to answer them:…

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Car Engines & Employee Enthusiasm

What does a picture of a 2003 Toyota Corolla car engine have to do with enthusiastic employees? Everything! Mileage and More Mileage Although our Corolla is a 2003 model, we purchased the vehicle in the spring of 2002. When my wife took the car in for an oil change the odometer registered close to 300,000…

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Team Conflict

The topic of the last three blog posts has been about teams. The theme continues this week and revolves around a word that can make people cringe. That word is conflict. When you hear or see the word conflict, what thoughts and images come to mind? Two people engaged in an argument, rabble rousing rioters…

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Stuck in the Mud About Team Building?

Are You Stuck in the Mud About Team Building? The title of last week’s blog, Is There a Mystery to Team Building1 addressed the successful team building efforts of a local realtor. If there is no mystery or secret, then… Below are two critical elements that must be in place to have a professional, proficient,…

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Is There a Mystery to Team Building?

The football game Is there a mystery to team building? Some people believe there is, but building a team is no more mysterious than the football game in the picture. If there is a mystery, then it lies in the fact that there is no plan for building the team or if a plan exists…

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