Posts Tagged ‘fire officer’
Are You Blinded by the Smoke of Career Development?
My blog for November 22, 2023, was titled Brick and Mortar: Certified or Qualified? I compared bricks to certifications and qualifications to the mortar that holds the bricks together to build a solid career structure. Walking through the smoke In the photo above, notice the firefighters walking through the smoke. The smoke is acrid, stinging…
Read MoreStop & Reflect Before Flying Into 2024
In two weeks, we will be into the first week of January 2024. Are you reflecting on this past year before flying into 2024? Why should you even bother to take the time to mull over the year? Taking time to reflect To grow we need to reflect on where we have been, what we…
Read MoreAn Amazon International Best Seller
I am often asked if my book, The Furnace of Leadership Development is only for firefighters and the answer is no. My book is written to those who want to develop their leadership skills and abilities regardless of profession, age, or status in life. Questions to ponder. Still not sure if the book is for…
Read MoreDo You Have a Good Anchor or a Bad One?
The photo shows one of the anchors for the battleship U.S.S. North Carolina (BB-55) now on display in Wilmington, North Carolina. The length of the ship is 728’, she has a 103’3” beam, and a draft of 35’. Standard displacement for the vessel is 36,000 tons and 44,800 tons fully loaded.1 That is a tremendous…
Read MoreAre You a Clear Communicator?
The afternoon of February 1, 2017, was sunny and pleasant, but by sundown the temperature began dropping, a light rain fell, and then quickly turned to snow. The wet road surfaces formed a sheet of black ice and there were multiple motor vehicle accidents over the next few hours, including the one in the photo…
Read MoreBrick and Mortar: Certified or Qualified?
The photo above is a small oven made from brick and mortar. If the oven were only made from stacked bricks, the structure would quickly fail from the weight of the material, strong winds, or something bumping into it. The strength of the oven comes from the mortar that holds the bricks together. But I…
Read MoreImpacting Others Through Teaching & Leading
The title of this blog is my life purpose, relating to Luke 12:48, “For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required; and to whom much has been committed, of him they will ask the more.” Much is Given These words involve my purpose in life and what God has given…
Read MoreThere’s a Headless Horseman in the Department!
Do you have a Headless Horseman of the Sleepy Hollow Fire Department in your organization? The organizational monster Although Halloween has passed for 2023, there are many Headless Horsemen (and women) roaming through the fire departments of the world. We can also include other organizations such as business, non-profits, and various government entities (elected, appointed,…
Read MoreThree Reasons Why Managing People is Bad for Morale
October 23, 2023 Although the words leadership and management are often used interchangeably, there is a difference between the two, and understanding that difference has an impact on organizational morale. Lieutenant General John A. Lejeune, the 13th Commandant of the Marine Corps said, “Leadership is the sum of those qualities of intellect, human understanding, and…
Read MoreIs Your Personal Development Diluted?
October 13, 2023 The titles of my last two blogs were, “Are You Personally and Professionally Developing?” You may have a plan for development, but is it diluted and weak? The fuel spill Throughout my career as a firefighter, I responded to a wide variety of incidents, including fuel spills ranging from small puddles to…
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